For anyone who has followed my blog for the past... hmmmm 4 years (that's right, it's been around a while!!!) I sound like a broken record every time September comes around! It's my absolute favorite month of the year and I have to give it a shout out :)
I actually wanted to write on Sept. 1st, but we spent half of the day in the Dr.'s office after Gavin woke up weezy and congested. We found out he has bronchitis and a double ear infection!! Okay, a little bit of a rocky start to my favorite month, but I'm sure things will turn around! Plus we are now the proud owners of a home nebulizer, adorable chicken mask and all. Kind of freaky at first, but now Gavin actually asks for it and it's really helped his breathing!! *see cute pics!!
So, why do I love September...
I love the weather and the overall change of pace of things. I don't have school-aged kids and Braden isn't doing the whole preschool thing until next year, so it's just us and we love our routine... but it's not so frantic as the summer for some reason?!?!
My birthday is this month and I don't shy away from my birthday!! It makes me happy and I embrace it. Plus it's my excuse to go salsa dancing, which makes me even happier!
I love the new fall line up AND the fact that "So You Think You Can Dance" starts again... man, could September get any better.
I LOVE THE WEATHER... Did I mention that already
My business picks up like crazy. It's weird b/c without fail each year in Sept. I start getting calls daily for fall bookings. It is the BEST time of year to take outdoor pictures (so if your considering... call me before it gets toooo busy!) I like a balanced amount of work - Holidays are crazy - Sept. is perfect!!
It's my transition month... I LOVE SUMMER and it makes me sad when it's over. Sept. lets me hold on for a few more weeks AND our pool is going to be open every weekend in Sept. whoot!
Let me know if I'm missing anything! Looking forward to a great month :)
*** LASTLY... my ode to summer cooking! One of my favorite things about summer is the FOOD and grilling out! These are some beautiful creations from last week... had to snap a shot. I will be doing plenty more grilling this month as well :)
Chicken veggie skewers, cranberry blue cheese salad, fresh corn on the cobb
Goat cheese, spinach & bacon wrapped grilled salmon, sweet potatoes, garden tomatoes.