Saturday, July 12, 2008

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY (a little late, but here they are)

Yay!!  I'm finally getting these posted.  We had a great 4-day weekend in Cherokee, N.C. for the 4th.  It was actually a surprise to Susan, Blake's Mother, for her 60th B-day.  All the siblings and grandchildren were there (minus Chris) and is was a TOTAL shocker for Susan.  We had a blast, and as you'll see throughout, the focus for Bray was MOTORCYCLE MANIA.  The boy can't get enough.  Papa's moto was out of commission, but it was all the same to him.  He spent the majority of his time sitting on the motorcycle on the trailer in the garage.  In between we fit in a fun day at the pool, fireworks, movies, sequence and LOTS of good food and cake!

Happy 60th Nana!!

At the church, going the rounds on the trailer... I don't think he noticed the difference!

Fourth of July Fireworks... before the big show in Bryson

"Wrastlin' w/ Papa"

A rare moment of TWO smiling boys... although, this time they did get along just GREAT.  Evan even said Braden was his friend some of the time... that's progress!  Next thing you know, they'll be rooming at BYU.

Collin gets the "Gavin holder" award.  He took such great care of Gavin the whole time!!

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